Recipe - Vietnamese Pork Belly Banh Mi Sandwich  食譜:越南五花肉班米三明治

Recipe - Vietnamese Pork Belly Banh Mi Sandwich 食譜:越南五花肉班米三明治

Crunchy Banh Bi taste and Charlie's Pork Belly can bring you unexpected chemistry! You need to add pickled daikon, carrots, and of course the secret sauce! That's it! You can feel the taste of french from this sandwich now!



Recipe - Vietnamese Pork Belly Banh Mi Sandwich  WATCH NOW

食譜:越南五花肉班米三明治 即時收看


洪記真空低溫慢煮五花肉 1 磅 

Charlie's Pork Belly 1 lb

班米麵包 (可用法式麵包或三文治麵包代替) 4個

Banh Mi (or substitute with baguette, or any sandwich rolls) 4

墨西哥辣椒 1個

Jalapeno pepper 1

醃白蘿蔔和胡蘿蔔 1瓶

Pickled daikon and carrots 1 jar

香菜 ¼ 束

Cilantro 1/4 bu

新鲜薄荷葉 ¼ 束

Fresh mint leaves 1/4 bu


醬料 Seasoning:

蛋黃醬 ¼杯

Mayonnaise 1/4 cup

士拉差醬 ¼杯

Sriracha 1/4 cup

植物油 2 茶匙

Vegetable oil 2 tsp


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